Good Morning friends and Happy New Year,
There is such a strong feeling of transformation for me on New years morning. Its so exciting. I'm grateful this year for so many different things. My beautiful family, friends, my sweet home and work. My life is a work and progress. Every moment a new chance to grab what I want and leave what I don't.
As usual I've been a bad girl about my blog. Please forgive my infrequent posts.
Here are my resolutions for 2011, I do them because its a way to really put intention in what I really want for my self in life. They all ultimately support me being present in my body and with my family and friends.
1. Make lists ( less crazy talk in my head!)
2. I am starting Beth Terry's fake plastic fish challenge" show your plastic waste" Please join me. I will start posting a picture of all the plastic my family consumes weekly.
2. Make a inspiration board ( never really did this) I really am inspired by the people that keep a very clear and beautiful inspiration board. Mine will be both inspiration, design ideas and details.
3. Taking care of my body year, walking for pleasure and yoga.
4. Organize enough to delegate.
5. document and post more on my blog, ( this one scares me the most)
I am putting together a fabulous HUGE give away this month, but it won't be for a few weeks. keep checking in.
I hope you all have a beautiful, wonderful weekend!!!
Albert and Gillian Maysles home in Harlem reminds me that beautiful living spaces don't have to be clean and modern.

you're welcome molly - happy new year to you and your family!
um, plus the kitchen belongs to albert maysles. how could it not be fabulous?
Loved your photos and the feeling of your time at the ocean! Lovely! Felt as if I was there too! I used to live in the Bay Area and grew up by the sea in Southern CA. Now I'm on Whidbey Island near Seattle doing mushroom, lichen and native NW plant dyeing with wool and silk and soon will experiment using homemade soymilk and pigments to paint on scarves. Have made seaweed baskets too! You did a beautiful job of weaving!
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